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Nikki Ong

Nikki Ong (1998) graduated from Writing for Performance (HKU) in 2023 and won the Pluijm research prize with her graduation work Waterwezen: an attempt not to be human. Themes that recur frequently in her work are ecology, the relationship between humans and landscape and the perspectives of non-human life. Her Indonesian heritage, feminism and womanhood are also subjects she often writes about.
In 2024, she created the performance
Lonely Species with Bodine Sutorius. She also wrote and produced the play. She worked as stage translator on De Jacht directed by Manuela Infante (NITE) and as dramaturge for the performances Wankel (STA!) and Werkt Mees vanavond? (Café Theater Festival). As a playwright, she wrote Freedom of Dreams (Jeugdtheaterschool Zuidoost) and Zomer van de vliegende herten (HKU), among others.

Nikki recites poetry at various venues and conferences. Her poems have appeared in literary magazine
Hollands Maandblad, the poetry collection Dichter bij Water by the Watersnoodmuseum and in the self-published poetry book Hechtwortels. She is part of the Klimaatdichters.

She teaches playwriting and drama at youth theater schools and elementary schools. Nikki also gives workshops, interweaving ecology with writing or theater. 

In 2023, she went on a summer camp with publisher Das Mag. In the same year, she did a residency at CLOUD Danslab and at Inkonst (Sweden). In 2024, she was artist in residence at Joya AiR (Spain).

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